Partial Transcript: You told me earlier, you knew something about music along the river.
Segment Synopsis: Harrod talks about music, specifically fiddle players from along the Kentucky River. He links different influences and talks about the racial diversity found within the musicians.
Keywords: Booker Orchestra; Camp Nelson, Kentucky; Doc Roberts; Fiddle; Jim Booker; Joe Booker; Johnny Masters, Jim Woodard; Owen Walker; Round Dance Music
Subjects: River life--Kentucky River (Ky.); Valley View (Ky.)
Partial Transcript: What else can I tell you?
Segment Synopsis: Harrod tells a story told to him by Manon Campbell. Campbell was on a raft at night with friends and kept hearing a square dance all night. In the morning they realized they were stuck in a whirlpool.
Keywords: Campbell, Manon; Coal Harbor Bend; Manon Campbell; Whirlpool
Subjects: Kentucky River (Ky.); River life--Kentucky River (Ky.)
Partial Transcript: Who are some other people, here, maybe around Monterey?
Segment Synopsis: Harrod begins listing and talking about different people that Ellis could talk to about the river. He tells a brief story told to him by Harvey Miller about a prisoner escaping by ice skating away.
Keywords: Bondurant, Tom; Buck, Barnes; Escaped prisoner; Harvey Miller; Hudson, Jim; Jim Hudson; Miller, Harvey; Monterey, Kentucky; Tom Bondurant
Subjects: River life--Kentucky River (Ky.)
Partial Transcript: It seems to be me like through the central part of the state, well the fact that you had all these black people living on the river one thing...
Segment Synopsis: Harrod points out that much of central Kentucky had racial diversity because of the river.
Keywords: Racial diversity
Subjects: River life--Kentucky River (Ky.)
Partial Transcript: What kind of things do you have there at Eastern Kentucky, I mean in your archive?
Segment Synopsis: Ellis tells Harrod that records of the school, small family collections, and oral histories can be found in the archives. He also offers to look up music for Harrod.
Keywords: Eastern Kentucky University