Interview with Crystal Benbow


  • Identifier2020 OH 107
  • Date11/23/2019
  • InterviewerJara, Quintin
  • IntervieweeBenbow, Crystal
  • DescriptionCrystal Benbow discusses her time in the United States Army and her reintergration back into cilvilan life. In particular, Benbow comments on her reasons for enlisting, her experiences in basic training, and her deployment to Iraq. She also explains how the G.I. Bill helped her become a nurse, and she details how her military service has helped her become a better nurse.
  • LocationApple Valley, CA
  • Duration0:27:15
  • RestrictionsNone
  • RightsContact Special Collections and Archives, Crabbe Library, Eastern Kentucky University for reproductions, duplications, rights and permission to publish.


“Interview with Crystal Benbow,” William H. Berge Oral History Center, accessed February 7, 2025,