Interview with John Plecity Sr.


  • Identifier2020 OH 085
  • Date11/17/2019
  • InterviewerPuglise, Joseph
  • IntervieweePlecity, John, Sr.
  • DescriptionJohn Plecity Sr. shares stories from his service during World War II. In particular, Plecity discusses joining the war in 1943, why he choose the Army Air Corps, his military training, and how it was luck that he was sent to Germany rather than Japan. He recounts his time on reconnaissance missions, the struggles of fighting in the desert, his training as a radio operator, and his tendency to still test his memory of morse code when he can not sleep. Plecity also details how he used the GI Bill to go to pilot school and the relationships he kept up after the war.
  • LocationBristol, RI
  • Duration0:15:34
  • RestrictionsNone
  • RightsContact Special Collections and Archives, Crabbe Library, Eastern Kentucky University for reproductions, duplications, rights and permission to publish.


“Interview with John Plecity Sr.,” William H. Berge Oral History Center, accessed February 10, 2025,