Interview with Joseph Meyers


  • Identifier2020 OH 080
  • Date11/22/2019
  • InterviewerBrown, Kaylee Paige
  • IntervieweeMeyers, Joseph
  • DescriptionJoseph Meyers recounts his decision to enlist, his time in basic training, and his deployment to Iraq. He discusses his drill instructors and thier teaching methods, his job as an engineer, creating boobytraps, being deplpoyed to Iraq, and running convoy operations. He explains the pain of losing a fellow solider and the impact it had on him. Meyers also explains how combat changed his perspective.
  • LocationGlasgow, KY
  • Duration0:39:41
  • RestrictionsNone
  • RightsContact Special Collections and Archives, Crabbe Library, Eastern Kentucky University for reproductions, duplications, rights and permission to publish.


“Interview with Joseph Meyers,” William H. Berge Oral History Center, accessed February 15, 2025,