Interview with Michael Jones


  • Identifier2020 OH 041
  • Date11/21/2019
  • InterviewerJones, Abbe
  • IntervieweeJones, Michael
  • DescriptionMicheal Jones details his time the Air Force during Vietnam. In particular, Jones comments on his struggle between serving or moving to Canada, his reluctance to go overseas, being stationed in the states, and the impacts of seeing his friends suffer PTSD and chemical injuries. He continues by explaining his easy transition back into civilian life, his thoughts on the VA, and how he thinks they could be of better service to people with PTSD and suicidal thoughts.
  • LocationGray, KY
  • Duration0:16:56
  • RestrictionsNone
  • RightsContact Special Collections and Archives, Crabbe Library, Eastern Kentucky University for reproductions, duplications, rights and permission to publish.


“Interview with Michael Jones,” William H. Berge Oral History Center, accessed February 7, 2025,