Interview with Dallas O'Neill Lawrence & Reisha Mills

  • Identifier2018 OH 062
  • Date7/4/2018
  • InterviewerLawrence, Caitlin
  • IntervieweeLawrence, Dallas O'Neill & Reisha Mills
  • DescriptionDallas O’Neill Lawrence and Reisha Mills discuss how being involved in horse therapy has allowed them to get close to the mountain horses of Kentucky. Both of them accredit this to the easy temperament and natural, smooth gait of the mountain horse. Mills talks about how horses are just about as dynamic as humans are and that there are different horses for different people. Along with the pairing of rider to horse, Mills also mentions that training style is fluid based and must be tailored to meet differences in horse personalities. Lawrence discusses the human-animal interaction of “reading” the horse during therapy sessions to see a little bit of what is going on with the rider.
  • LocationCaneyville, KY
  • Duration 1:13:47
  • Restrictionsnone
  • RightsContact Special Collections and Archives, Crabbe Library, Eastern Kentucky University for reproductions, rights and permission to publish.
  • Funding SourceThe Appalachian Horse Oral History Project interviews and transcriptions were funded by the Kentucky Oral History Commission.


“Interview with Dallas O'Neill Lawrence & Reisha Mills,” William H. Berge Oral History Center, accessed October 5, 2024,