Interview with Jeff Miller & Jane Gean

  • Identifier2016oh012
  • Date7/6/2016
  • InterviewerMcSpirit, Stephanie
  • IntervieweeMiller, Jeff & Jane Gean
  • DescriptionJeff Miller of Great House Stables in Bowling Green KY, and Jane Gean of Dream Catcher Enterprises in Lexington KY, discuss their memories of Rocky Mountain Horses and the horse loving lifestyle that they fell in love with once moving to the Appalachian region. In particular, Miller and Gean share their stories of traveling the back-roads of Eastern Kentucky in search of certain bloodlines and foundation stock for their own breeding programs.
  • LocationBowling Green, KY
  • Duration:29:27
  • Restrictionsnone
  • RightsContact Special Collections and Archives; Crabbe Library; Eastern Kentucky University for reproductions; rights and permission to publish.
  • IndexerSamantha Macfarlane
  • Funding SourceThe Appalachian Horse Oral History Project interviews and transcriptions were funded by the Kentucky Oral History Commission.


“Interview with Jeff Miller & Jane Gean,” William H. Berge Oral History Center, accessed February 16, 2025,