Interview with William Moore

  • Identifier1977 OH 040
  • Date10/17/1977
  • InterviewerEllis, William E.
  • IntervieweeMoore, William
  • DescriptionDr. William Moore holds a diploma from the Eastern Kentucky State Normal School, and the degrees of Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts, and Doctor of Philosophy from UK. For two years he was a student of the College of Law of the University of Kentucky. His experience includes rural school teaching; principal of the Corinth, Kentucky, Independent Grade School, two years; principal of the Clay County High School, Manchester, Kentucky, four and one-half years; sometime, Director of Finance, State Department of Education; and sometime, Commissioner of Revenue, State of Kentucky. Dr. Moore was elected Dean of Eastern in 1944. At the time of his election he was serving as Commissioner of Revenue for the State of Kentucky having taken a leave of absence from Eastern. He had been with the institution since 1928 and he held the position of Dean of the Faculty.
  • LocationRichmond, KY
  • Duration:38:09
  • Time Summary0:10-1:0 Music for your listening enjoyment
    1:20-2:20 Introduction
    3:20-3:45 Recollections of Martin as a student
    4:0-5:05 Moore's recollections of his career: professor of economics, chairman of Commerce Department, Dean of the College
    5:05-6:25 Moore's opinion of the Council on Public Higher Education
    6:25-7:15 Moore's chairmanship of the Commission on Higher Education
    7:20-8:20 Moore's recollections of his political involvements and his associations with state government
    8:30-8:45 Importance of politics to a career in education
    8:45-10:55 Comparison between Presidents Donovan and O'Donnell; campus construction and growth of student enrollment
    11:0-12:30 Impact of the Depression upon education; imposed some hardship upon students
    12:30-13:30 Characterization of student body during 1930's
    13:30-15:35 Changes in Eastern in the post World War II years; fairly rapid growth in enrollment
    15:35-16:50 Dr. Donovan's academic policies
    16:50-18:55 Conditions at Eastern during the 1950's. Involvement in study of teacher education in the nation
    18:55-19:30 Evolution of Eastern to expand beyond teacher education opposed by some
    19:30-20:50 Other students at Eastern who achieved success in their professions
    20:50-21:25 Moore's belief that political influence in higher education is not as great as it was
    21:25-22:40 Moore's recollections of the development and implementation of the Minimum Foundation Program
    23:20-24:20 Comparison of Martin with O'Donnell; Martin with Donovan
    24:20-25:20 Martin's relationship with other Kentucky educators: Wendell Butler, Lyman Ginger, Adron Doran
    25:20-28:50 Martin's relationship with Kentucky politicians: Bert Combs, Edward Breathitt, Louie Nunn, Carl Perkins
    28:50-29:45 Greatest changes in Eastern since Martin became President: achieving university status, expanding academic offerings, campus construction
    29:50-31:50 Characterization of Martin's personality
    31:50-32:30 Description of Martin's philosophy of education
    32:30-34:20 Comparison of Martin with other university presidents: Doran, Thompson, Dickey
    34:20-35:10 Highlights of Martin's presidency, achieving university status, growth of student body and academic offerings
    35:10-35:20 Moore's working relationship with Martin
    35:20-35:45 Comparison of Martin and J.C. Powell, Moore's lack of knowledge to make a comparison
    35:45-37:40 Greatest change in Eastern during Moore's association with the institution
    End of interview
  • Restrictionsno
  • RightsContact Special Collections and Archives, Crabbe Library, Eastern Kentucky University for reproductions, rights and permission to publish.
  • IndexerAaron Moore


“Interview with William Moore,” William H. Berge Oral History Center, accessed February 8, 2025,