DescriptionMr. Frank Dickey is a native Kentuckian born in 1917. He received his A.B. from Transylvania, his M.A. from the University of Kentucky, and his Ed.D from Harvard. He began work at the University of Kentucky in 1946, and from 1956-1962 he served as Professor and Dean of Education.
LocationWashington, D.C.
Time Summary1-13 First meeting with Bob Martin while Dickey was Dean of Education at University of Kentucky
13-33 Contacts in the early fifties, certification of teachers, while Martin was part of State Department of Education, Minimum Foundation Program preparation
33-53 Relationship between Martin, state superintendent of Public Instruction, and Dickey, President of the University of Kentucky
53-68 Martin's role in developing the minimum foundation program. Martin's knowledge of school finance
68-85 Martin's conflicts with Governor Chandler while Martin was state superintendent
85-106 The political nature of the office of Superintendent of Public Instruction a. Dickey's opinion about the office
106-127 Dickey's reaction to Martin acting as Combs campaign manager in 1959
127-146 educators' reaction to Martin's appointment as President of Eastern Kentucky State college. The role of Governor Combs
146-178 Dickey's opinion of the selection process in appointing Kentucky University presidents. The political role of the governors
178-199 The relationships between Martin as president of Eastern and Dickey as president of UK through 1963. The contact on the Council on Public Higher Education. Limited amount of conflict.
19-210 Martin's role on the Council on Public Higher Education. Martin's influence in developing better management policies
210-235 Areas of agreement and disagreement on the Council on Public Higher Education. Amount of graduate work was controversial. Scarcity of resources important
235-264 conflicts over the control of the Community College System. The ideas of the state colleges. The struggles over control
264-286 The idea that UK would become predominantly the professional and graduate school for the state discussed in the early sixties
286-320 Martin's role in integration beginning in the middle fifties
320-336 Dickey's relationship with Martin after Dickey went to the Southern Association of Colleges and Universities
336-370 Dickey's opinion of Martin's political activities
370-394 Martin's reputation among other people in education
394-483 Blank tape
483-511 Dickey's opinion of Martin's abilities and performance. Martin's contact with president Donovan
511-527 Martin's relationship with Kentucky's Governors
527-551 Martin's philosophy of education
551-594 Dickey characterizes Martin's personality
594-625 Anecdotes about Martin
625-643 Martin's role in Kentucky education
643-663 Martin and the presidency of the University of Kentucky
663-682 Close personal relationship with Martin. The importance of Mrs. Martin in Dr. Martin's career
RightsContact Special Collections and Archives, Crabbe Library, Eastern Kentucky University for reproductions, rights and permission to publish.