Interview with Frances Moore


  • Identifier2005 OH 024
  • Date11/4/2004
  • InterviewerDenton, Beckie
  • IntervieweeMoore, Frances
  • DescriptionFrances Moore discusses her upbringing in Madison County, and her experiences while living in Berea. Interview topics include discussions over her home life, family history, and education, Berea churches and church life, and the distinct East versus West divide in Berea. Moore also comments extensively on her education, and the decision makers, power structure, industry, and economic trends in Berea. In addition, Moore talks discusses her involvement in the WWII war effort and her resultant career in Washington D.C.
  • LocationBerea, KY
  • Duration1:25
  • Restrictionsno
  • RightsContact Special Collections and Archives, Crabbe Library, Eastern Kentucky University for reproductions, rights and permission to publish.
  • Funding SourceThe Community Change in the Kentucky Foothills of Appalachia Project was funded by the Kentucky Oral History Commission.


“Interview with Frances Moore,” William H. Berge Oral History Center, accessed February 8, 2025,