Interview with David Pribble

  • Identifier1980 OH 068
  • Date1/8/1980
  • InterviewerBerge, William H.
  • IntervieweePribble, David
  • DescriptionDavid Pribble, a Butler County native, discusses his family history, military service record, and public service career in this interview. As the sitting County Judge Executive for Pendleton County, Pribble considered poors road, water, and sewer systems, and an inadequate hospital to be the major problems his residents faced. Other interview topics include discussions over Pendleton County growth and development, the benefits of Revenue Sharing, the Judicial Refrendum and his future plans to remain in public office.
  • LocationFalmouth, KY
  • Duration:32:17
  • Restrictionsno
  • RightsContact Special Collections and Archives Crabbe Library Eastern Kentucky University for reproductions rights and permission to publish.
  • Funding SourceProject Funded by the Kentucky Oral History Commission


“Interview with David Pribble,” William H. Berge Oral History Center, accessed February 11, 2025,