Interview with C.W. Murphy

  • Identifier1979 OH 415
  • Date9/13/1979
  • InterviewerBerge, William H.
  • IntervieweeMurphy, C.W.
  • DescriptionIn this interview, C. W. Murphy, a Morgan County native and former Wolfe County Judge, discusses his family history, farming and his land holdings, election campaigns, and local politics. Murphy has few good things to say about the Judicial Referendum in the interview. Other topics include the perceived need to cut 3/4 of the welfare from the Wolfe County roles, the problems he faced as a judge, in particular fining juveniles, and the specific cases that bothered him most. There are also detailed discussions over former Governor Earl Clemens, and Wolfe County roads, schools, water supply, and industry.
  • LocationCampton, KY
  • Duration:59:27
  • Restrictionsno
  • RightsContact Special Collections and Archives Crabbe Library Eastern Kentucky University for reproductions rights and permission to publish.
  • Funding SourceProject Funded by the Kentucky Oral History Commission


“Interview with C.W. Murphy,” William H. Berge Oral History Center, accessed October 10, 2024,