Browse Interviews (15 total)

In this interview, Mr. Ewell Balltrip, associate editor of the Harlan Daily Enterprise, discusses his basic duties and reflects on some of the problems in Harlan County.

In this interview, Anthony White, editor of the Estill County Citizen's Voice, discusses his personal background as well as the paper itself.

In this interview, Larry Caldwell, editor of the Stanford Interior Journal, discusses his background and the problems of publishing a newspaper. He also discusses his family's purchase of the paper.

In this interview, Jane Hutton, editor and publisher of The Harrodsburg Herald, discusses the logistics of publishing a weekly newspaper, as well as the newspapers' responsibility to the community.

In this interview, Jerlene Rose, editor of the Clay City Times, discusses the logistics of running a weekly paper and gives a good background of Powell County.

In this interview, George Joplin, III, managing editor of the Commonwealth Journal, discusses his background and the history of the newspaper. He also discusses good newspapers and newspapermen in KY.

In this interview, James Edelen, editor of the Sentinel News, discusses the rising cost of publishing a paper and the main role of the newspaper in the community.

In this interview, James Burdine, Editor/ Publisher of The Observer, discusses his education, military service, his positions held at various newspapers, and The Observer itself. Burdine also comments extensively on various newspapers.

In this interview, Paul Hensley, Editor of the Candlestick News, discusses the problems of publishing a small newspaper, and Leslie County industry and developmental trends.

In this interview, Sara Falls, Editor of the Express News, discusses her personal background, career, and Pike County.

In this interview, Howard Greene, Editor of the Mount Sterling Advocate, discusses his early life and a history of the newspaper. He also comments on various issues in the county.

In this interview, Warren Onken, Publisher of the Mount Sterling Advocate, discusses his early life and his interest in the newspaper business.

In this interview, Charles Whittaker, Editor of Letcher Community Press and Knott County News, discusses his personal background, early career, and the history of the paper. He also comments on the types of withheld news, and the advantages and disadvantages of chain newspapers.

In this interview, James Striplin, Publisher of the Ledger Independent, discusses publishing a community newspaper as well as the most urgent needs in the county. He also discusses his feelings about the newspaper business and the growth of the Ledger.

In this interview, Guy Hatfield, publisher of the Estill County Citizen's Voice, recollects on his years in the newspaper business. He also discusses his decision to go into journalism.
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