Browse Interviews (21 total)

Dennis Sinnett discusses his childhood, his time in the United States Navy, from enlistment to his final rank as a Captain. As a naval pilot, Sinnett comments on the different types of aircrafts he flew, as well as his experiences during deployment and the pressures of combat.

John E. Owens details his early life, his decision to enlist in the Army, and his choice to transfer to the National Gruard after 9/11. Owens shares interesting stories from basic training and his deployment to Iraq. Interview conversations also include comments on being an authority figure during conflict, the weight of holding the lives of men in…

James Wooley discusses his time in the service, adjusting to military life, Veterans Adminstration healthcare, veteran reintegration, as well as the challenges that Veterans face with pharmaceutical abuse and addiction.

Tabatha Flynn details her childhood in a small town and her choice to enlist in the Army. In particular, Flynn comments on basic training, her combat medic experiences, and the moral and mental struggles of combat. Flynn also discusses her return to civilian life, starting a family, and her major take aways from military service.

Brian w. Gayheart discusses his time in the United States Army. In particular, Gayheart details his experiences during deployments and combat missions, shares his thoughts on being a crew member on a M1A1 tank, and, he traces his eventual path to higher education.

Ret. Lt. Col. Marcel T. Schmidt details his twenty-three year career in the Air Force. In particular, Lt. Col. Schmidt recalls memories of his father in Vietnam as a child, and comments on getting a masters degree before enlisting and his experiences while serving in Operations Desert Storm and Desert Shield. Schmidt also comments on staying in…

Lawrence Broome discusses his time in the Air Force. In particular, Broome comments on the relationships he made, how he stayed in touch with family, the challenges of facing combat, and the regrets he has about his retirement.

Sargeant First Class Jerry Klontz details his career in the U.S. Army. In particular, he shares stories from his time during active duty, which included deployments to combat zones in Somalia, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Klontz also shares his personal feelings about service and the impacts it has on service men and women.

Ryan Adkins discusses his combat experiences in the Army. In particular, he details his experiences in combat, how his views of combat changed over time, and the friendships he created. Adkins also comments on the accountability they depended on, the struggles of seeing danger in every situation, the difference in gender roles in combat, and being…

James D. Gaither Sr. details his service in the Army during the Vietnam War. In particular, Gaither discusses his experiences in basic training, his Infantry and Artillery training, his first combat experiences in Vietnam, and how casualties were handled in the war zone. He also comments on his re-entry into the civilian world after he was…

Joseph Meyers recounts his decision to enlist, his time in basic training, and his deployment to Iraq. He discusses his drill instructors and thier teaching methods, his job as an engineer, creating boobytraps, being deplpoyed to Iraq, and running convoy operations. He explains the pain of losing a fellow solider and the impact it had on him.…

Michael Weir discusses his service in the United States Navy. In particular, Weir comments on continuing the family tradition of Naval service, his time in basic training, being away from his family, his positions as a corpsman and a resuce swimmer, and the cultural differences he experienced with each deployment.

Robert Lee Quisenberry details his time in the Air Force. In particular, Quisenberry details his childhood, enlisting in the military, his training, being stationed across the world but not facing combat, his cilvilian life, and his experiences with Veteran Affairs.

Dennis Ellinger details his time in the Marine Corps during Vietnam. In particular, Ellinger comments on his life before his enlistment, why he chose to enlist rather than face being drafted, his resulting deployment to Vietnam, his combat experiences, and being wounded. He also discusses what his life was like after the war and his reflections on…

Jack L. Tackett details his time in the Marine Corps duing the Vietnam War. In particular, Tackett comments on his expereinces while being attached to the First Reconnaissance Marines as a radio man. He also discusses the fifteen patrols he went on during the war.

Michael Navalta Jr. recounts his time in the United States Army. In particular, Navalta comments on his specialized education, infantry training, and pushing his limits. He also discusses his deployments, the dangers that came with them, SERE training, and the medals he was awarded.

Michael Williams details his time in the United States Navy. In particular, Williams discusses his upbringing, his decision to join the Navy, his transition into basic training, and his combat experiences. He also discusses reintergation into cilvilan life and shares his advice for people who are getting ready to retire from the service.

Timothy Gruber details his time in the United States Army. In particular, Gruber comments on his deployments to Iraq and Kuwait, being injured and awarded a Purple Heart, as well as coming home and dealing with PTSD. He also comments on being honorably discharged because on the complications he experienced with PTSD.

In this video interview, James B. Vires discusses his time in the United States Marine Corps. In particular, Vires comments on basic training, his deployment to the Middle East, and encountering Sadaam Husein's torture chambers in Abu Ghraib Prison. He also explains his feelings of being lost after discharge, details the benefits of spending more…

Darwin Streets discusses his service record during the Korean War. He discusses his early life of growing up on a farm in Athens, Ohio, and how his life changed when he got drafted to war at the young age of 18. Streets goes over how he trained for war, the hardships of being in combat, and comments on the way his service shaped him into the person…

United States Army veteran Larry Sudweeks was critically injured as a soldier during the Vietnam War. During his interview Sudweeks discusses his experiences in being drafted and recalls some of his war time experiences, including the time he was shot and nearly killed. During the interview, Sudweeks explains how his love for country and freedom…
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