Arnold Cornett is a Letcher County, KY native, he is a retired structural steel worker who now resides in Laurel County, KY. In this interview, Cornett, discusses his education, occupations, and his military service in World War I. He describes the incidents he knew of concerning the Baker-Howard feud.
Bill Reynolds was a coal miner at the Blue Diamond Coal Company mine in McCreary County, Kentucky. He was one of many miners who joined the Blue Diamond Coal Strike from June 1976 to May 1979. In this interview Reynolds discusses how the coal miners of the Blue Diamond mine went on strike as a result of the miners demanding better representation…
James Douglass was a coal miner during the 1976-1979 Blue Diamond Coal strike. Before the strike he worked as a coal loader and a drill runner from the time he was 18 years old. In this interview Douglass discusses the main safety issues within the mine, the mistreatment miners received from company managers, the issues the miners had with the…
Randell Hines was a striking coal miner during the 1976-1979 Blue Diamond Coal Strike. He worked many different jobs within the mine and said he worked in the conventional sections with different types machinery. In this interview Randell discusses the differences in safety between the Blue Diamond Coal Company mines and the Peabody Coal Company…
Joe E. Jones was a coal miner during the 1976-1979 Blue Diamond Coal Strike. Jones worked at the Blue Diamond Coal Company Mine for two to three years, and he describes his job as repairing and retrieving parts for broken machinery in the mine. In this interview Jones describes some of the safety issues within the mine, how managers within the…
Bobby Kidd was a coal miner during the 1976-1978 Blue Diamond Mine Coal Strike. While working for Blue Diamond he worked as a roof bolter inside the mine. In this interview Kidd discusses the safety violations that occurred in the mine and management's inability to handle the safety complaints made by the miners. He also talks about why the miners…
Frank T. Thomas was the executive vice president of the Stearns Mine during the 1976-1979 Blue Diamond Coal Strike. In this interview Thomas discusses how he came to work first for Stearns Mining Company and then Blue Diamond Coal Company. He tells how Blue Diamond purchased Stearns, how he viewed both Blue Diamond and Stearns, as well as the…
In this interview, Hershel Lynch discusses his employment history and public service career. Lynch concludes that poor infrastructure and high unemployment were the primary shortfalls in Jackson County. This interview also contains additional comments by Herman Brockman, a former Jackson County Court Coordinator.
Calloway Montgomery, a Magoffin County native discusses his family history, education, military service record, and his county political career in this interview. Interview topics include the Judicial Referendum, Fiscal Court, Big Sandy AD District grants, Revenue Sharing, coal mines, and relevant coal miner unemployment trends
Sid Williams, a Knott County native, details his family history, military service record, work history and political career in this interview. Interview topics include the Judicial Referendum, his experiences as a natural gas drilling contractor, and his relevant contributions while in office, which include a new jail, medical clinic, nursing home,…
Foster Calhoun, a Knott County native and Morehead State University alum, discusses his family history, education, and political interests and career in this interview. Calhoun concludes that the roads, sewage, water sanitation and garbage collection are major county problems. He also discusses federal programs, the Judicial Referendum, and the…
In this interview, Wayne Blevins, a Johnson County native, details his family history, their public service careers, and the problems he has faced as County Judge Executive. Discussion topics include conversations over his term as judge, Johnson County growth, and the county needs for employment opportunities, housing programs, and recreation.…
Bill Wells, a Floyd County native, discusses his family history, education, and Floyd County public service career, which began with the school board, was extended with 12 years as magistrate and continued once he was elected to County Judge Executive. In the interview he comments on the Judicial Referendum, election campaigns, the county budget,…
In this interview, Martin County native Victoria Kirk comments on her husband Willie's 30 years in the coal industry, his experiences as both a Martin County Judge and Judge Executive, and her role as County Treasurer. Interview topics include the major concerns for the county, which include recreation access, poor ambulance services and the…
In this interview, Mr. James Crawford, editor of The Corbin Times Tribune, discusses the daily operation of his newspaper, and problems involved with reporting the news.
In this interview, Paul Hensley, Editor of the Candlestick News, discusses the problems of publishing a small newspaper, and Leslie County industry and developmental trends.
Rome Rankin was a football coach for EKU. In this interview, Rankin discusses his enjoyment for History, English, and contact sports. Rankin played football, basketball and baseball in college, and professional football at the same time he played college football. He believed physical education helps develop young people emotionally and socially,…
Letcher County native George Fugate describes his life while growing up on a farm where he was raised by his grandparents. Fugate mentions that John C. Mayo bribed his grandmother for coal rights after they moved to Whitesburg. When Fugate finished eighth grade he attended Eastern Normal School, which was the first time he saw running water and…
F. M. Burke is a Pike County, KY native. He attended Eastern State Teachers College and Normal School. In this interview, Burke, gives detailed information about his family history, growing up on a farm and his father's timber business. After being rejected for not meeting the requirements for admission to Eastern, he boarded a train and headed to…
Elmer Combs discusses growing up on a farm in Perry County near Hazard, Kentucky. Interview topics include discussions about coal mining, farming and farm life, self-sufficiency practices, molasses production, and other related changes from the times of his youth to the present.
Carl Brock discusses his complicated childhood and adult life, which resulted in regular moves between Flemingsburg, Morgan County, Wolf County, and Powell County. Brock comments on working in construction, factories, and the coal mines while raising 10 children with his wife of 44 years (at the time of the interview). The interview also includes…
Carolyn Floyd discusses her farming experiences, as well as her years of living and raising her children on the Kentucky River, Madison County, Kentucky. She also recalls many stories about Cassius Clay, her step-great grandfather, and Brutus Clay. In general, Floyd's interview covers a variety of topics from farming and national politics, to the…
In this interview, Vernon Miniard, Superintendent of the Monticello School System, discusses his family and background, his time working for Blue Diamond Coal Co., as well as his time in the military and education. He also discusses school boards, problem
In this interview, Mildred Rowland, Superintendent of Harlan County Schools, discusses her education, her former positions including teaching, adult education, and many issues in Harlan County and the schools. She has served for 50 years in the schools.