Browse Interviews (5 total)

Ruth Mae Noland Taylor discusses growing up in Trapp, Clark County, Kentucky, and her life after she left the area at age 20. Taylor also comments extensively on the changes she witnessed in Clark County through time, which includes desegregation, the decline of Main Street in Winchester, and the ebb and flow of festivals and recreation…

Elsie Marie Skinner discusses growing up in Clark County as the youngest in a large African American family. She comments extensively on how her childhood and adolescence influenced the ways that she brought up her five children. Skinner also details the major differences between her experiences in Winchester, Kentucky and the time she spent at an…

Edward Drake discusses growing up in Irvine, Kentucky as the son of a railroad worker. Drake details his early childhood and his eventual employment in the same line of work as his father. Drake comments extensively on his education and work history, as well as relevant changes and the constants in Irvine, such as high unemployment rates. He…

J. C. Burnell discusses growing up and living on a farm outside of Richmond, Kentucky. He comments on his chores and eventual responsibilities, as well as the differences between his childhood and adolescence and the experiences of today's youth.

Billy Cooper discusses his experiences while growing up in Estill County on a mountain farm. Interview topics include extended conversations about mountain life, including home remedies, farming, raising hogs, gardening, canning, logging, preserving meat, and the social importance of fairs and festivals. The remainder of the interview addresses the…
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