Browse Interviews (7 total)

Dorothy Roberts is a Kentucky native, and a member of Big Sinking Baptist Church. In this interview, Roberts, discusses growing up in the Big Sinking community and church life. She also describes the roles of the women in the church.

Homer Roberts is a Wayne County, KY native, a farmer and a member of Big Sinking Baptist Church. In this interview, Roberts, discusses his family and the church activities. He also describes the role of the congregation.

Isaac Hucaby is a Wayne County, KY native, and a minister. In this interview, Hucaby, discusses his career and his education. He describes church activities and the role of the congregation.

Josiah Dodson is a Wayne County, KY native, a farmer and a member of Big Sinking Baptist Church. In this interview, Dodson, discusses being a farmer and having a family. He also describes activities in the church and the future of the church.

Kenneth Rose is a Wayne County, KY native, a shoe store owner and minister. In this interview, Rose, discusses his duties at Big Sinking Baptist Church and the role of the congregation.

Lola Corder is a Wayne County, KY native and is a member of Big Sinking Baptist Church. In this interview she discusses her family history and activities of the church.

Marie McCoy discusses her experiences while growing up in Powell County. Interview topics include her education, recreation on her family farm, her family's work history, which included sawmill work and farming, and the role that churches played in the community when she was young. In general, McCoy views materialism and drugs as the greatest…
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