Browse Interviews (3 total)

Chris Winstead served as a Rifleman in the United States Marine Corps. From 1984-1990. Throughout his interview he discusses his boot camp experiences, life as both an active duty and reservist servicemember, and the fraternal bonds of the Marine Corps. He shares his frustrations with having lost his education benefits, and how he was not able to…

Andrew Mencin discusses his twenty year career in the Air Force, and his current service in the Reserves. In particular, he discusses his path to becoming a leader, the ways he helped his people prepare for deployments, the mental struggles of deployments, and his experiences with other cultures.

Daniel Roten discusses how life struggles pushed him to enlist in the Air Force. Roten then details the friendships he created, the little things he missed from civilian life, and his memories from serving. Roten also gives his opinion on the needs of Veterans and the Veteran Affairs Department, including some of the changes that should be made.
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