The following interview with Clifford Amyx discusses his experiences while growing up and living in the community of Livingston, KY. Amyx comments on his childhood, local entertainment, the railroad and its significance in the community, and, other topics that relate to social, religious, and political activities in the community. He also comments…
Betty Smith discusses growing up and living in Clark County for most of her life. Interview topics include discussions about entertainment opportunities and games when she was growing up, Main Street businesses, restaurants, and socializing in Winchester, as well as many comments on Clark County industry and economic trends.
Carolyn Floyd discusses her farming experiences, as well as her years of living and raising her children on the Kentucky River, Madison County, Kentucky. She also recalls many stories about Cassius Clay, her step-great grandfather, and Brutus Clay. In general, Floyd's interview covers a variety of topics from farming and national politics, to the…
Betty Isaacs discusses growing up and living in Clark County for most her life. Interview topics include discussions about changes in healthcare, education, and entertainment, housing, and access to good jobs.
Charles Vanhuss discusses growing up in Ravenna, Estill County, Kentucky. Interview topics include discussions about his family history and his father's involvement with the L&N Railroad, the education system and churches, his interest in politics, which began in 5th grade, and the major changes in the Ravenna economy through time. Vanhuss also…
Sonja Estes discusses her experiences while growing up, first, in Estill County and, later, in Fayette County. Estes spends a great deal of time commenting on her family life and upbringing. The remainder of the interview details relevant changes in Estill County's industry, farming practices, and, healthcare and education systems.
Billy Cooper discusses his experiences while growing up in Estill County on a mountain farm. Interview topics include extended conversations about mountain life, including home remedies, farming, raising hogs, gardening, canning, logging, preserving meat, and the social importance of fairs and festivals. The remainder of the interview addresses the…
Frances Moore discusses her upbringing in Madison County, and her experiences while living in Berea. Interview topics include discussions over her home life, family history, and education, Berea churches and church life, and the distinct East versus West divide in Berea. Moore also comments extensively on her education, and the decision makers,…
Marie McCoy discusses her experiences while growing up in Powell County. Interview topics include her education, recreation on her family farm, her family's work history, which included sawmill work and farming, and the role that churches played in the community when she was young. In general, McCoy views materialism and drugs as the greatest…
Maudie Tyra discusses her upbringing in Breathitt County. Tyra comments extensively on her childhood and how losing her mother at a young age presented many challenges. Other interview topics include discussions about demographic change in the foothills of Appalachia through time, home remedies, railroads, neighborliness, and her WWII work in "big…
Virginia Yeager discusses growing up in Estill County during the early 20th Century. Being the oldest child in her family Yeager took on a great deal of responsibility at a young age; she eventually became a school teacher at 17 years old. Other interview topics include her education, local church histories, changes in crime rates and industry, and…
Douglas Browning discusses his eventful life after being raised in Mount Sterling, Montgomery County, Kentucky. Browning concludes that after leaving Montgomery County, where his family had resided for over 14 generations, he traveled the country and worked at approximately 45 jobs and moved 40 times. Other interview topics include his education…
Guy Bowling discusses growing up and working in both Berea, Kentucky and the orange groves of Florida. Bowling provides a detailed comparison of his life in Kentucky versus his experiences in Florida; in particular he comments on railroads and union factory jobs in Berea and the differences in race relations between Kentucky and Florida. The…
Elsie Marie Skinner discusses growing up in Clark County as the youngest in a large African American family. She comments extensively on how her childhood and adolescence influenced the ways that she brought up her five children. Skinner also details the major differences between her experiences in Winchester, Kentucky and the time she spent at an…
Shirley Richardson discusses growing up on a farm in Clark County and her eventual 30 year career with the Road Department. Richardson comments extensively on the farm life of her youth and the changing economic and social conditions across Clark County, including changes in the number of churches and shopping areas in Winchester. She also shares…
Carl Brock discusses his complicated childhood and adult life, which resulted in regular moves between Flemingsburg, Morgan County, Wolf County, and Powell County. Brock comments on working in construction, factories, and the coal mines while raising 10 children with his wife of 44 years (at the time of the interview). The interview also includes…
Isaac Bruton Sr. discusses his life experiences as an African American carpenter, farmer, and railroad worker. He comments extensively on race relations, growing up and working as an African American, and the role that community, hard work and compassion have played in his life. He concludes that the country way of life kept families and…
Emma Woosley discusses growing up in Estill County, where they moved frequently and made do with little money. Woosley also comments extensively on the role that neighbors, religion, education, and, more generally, the community has played in the lives of past and present Estill County residents.
Helen Davis Walker discusses growing up as the daughter of an African American sharecropper and domestic worker. Walker comments extensively on the differences between living in the country as a young girl and later in Winchester KY as a teenager and adult. Walker also comments on changes in race relations, schools, and, more generally, economic…
Mossies Osborne discusses her life experiences while living in Clark County for most of her life. Interview topics include discussions over her family's farm and family economy, and her experiences as a wife, mother and widow. She concludes that lifestyles were healthier, safer, and, in general, better.
W.C. Thompson discusses the role that railroads played in Ravenna KY through time. He shares his memories of growing up in a town with 17,600, a number that declined as the railroads were replaced by automobiles. Thompson also comments on political trends, such as good and bad Mayors and wet/dry local option votes.
Dr. R. R. Richards, a Russell County, Kentucky native, was a professor of accounting at EKU. In this interview, Richards discusses his family history, and early life in Russell County. Dr. Richards also comments on his teachers and educational experiences in the Russell Springs schools and Berea College. The interview is the first of three…
Dr. Smith Park, a Madison County, Kentucky native, was the longtime chairman of the Math Department at EKU. He was also a former University Dean. Park discusses past EKU Presidents and the campus layout in this interview.
In this interview, Helen Perry, Kentucky native, describes working at EKU as the Registrar Office secretary. She provides details of her social, and business life, and discusses her friends, co-workers and employers.
In this interview, Charles "Turkey" Hughes discusses the athletics department and the supportive attitude it received from EKU's presidents. He felt the professors in the physical education department were outstanding. Hughes also discusses the problems he faced and the great athletes he had coached.
In this interview, Donald White, Editor of the Anderson News, discusses his education, newspaper career, the Anderson News, and many other community related topics, such as recreation access and county growth.
Samuel Phillips, a Taylor County native, details his life experiences and Taylor County public service career in this interview. He comments extensively on the Judicial Referendum, his election campaigns, the Fiscal Court, and the major problems that Taylor County faces, such as inadequate ambulance services, roads, and recreation facilities.…
Dick Castleman, a Graves County native, comments on his life experiences as the Graves County Sheriff, Judge, and Judge Executive in this interview. He comments on the various job duties of the positions, the Judicial Referendum, low income housing, and the major challenges that Graves County faces, such as population growth, high interest rates,…
Floyd Hooks, a Lyon County native, discusses his terms as County Judge and Judge Executive in this interview. Interview topics include discussions over his former teachers, how he dealt with juveniles, the powers of the Fiscal Court, and his typical job duties. He also commments extensively on the county's ambulance and recreation services, the…
J. Bourbon Elliott, a Washington County native, shares his experiences as a County Judge Executive in this interview. Interview topics include discussions over his education and family, his election campaigns, the Judicial Referendum, Fiscal Court, his typical job duties, and his major concerns, which include a shortage of doctors and absence of a…
In this interview, Donald Doyel discusses his interests in politics and his experiences as a Democrat in a predominantly Republican county. There is no retirement system for County Judge Executive position so he was unsure of his plans to run again. Doyel concludes that unemployment, poor roads, inadequate landfill access, and a lack of a hospital…
In this interview, Nancy Botts discusses Barren County and the life and public service career of her boss, County Judge Executive Dale Burchett. She comments on Burchett's background and the issues the county faces, such as problems with the ambulance service, and fire and roads departments, the lack of a housing program and the pains of county…
In this interview, Bob Minix, an Allen County native, comments on his experiences in public service, which includes terms as the County Sheriff and Judge Executive. Interview topics include his election campaigns, the Judicial Referendum, the boards he serves on, and the major issues the county faces, such as a lack of recreation opportunities and…
Charles Roberts, a Nelson County native, discusses his public service career and family history in this interview. Interview topics include his decision to enter into politics, the positions he has held, the county's problematic roads and bridges, and discussions over the Judicial Referendum and his efforts to improve recreation and entertainment…
In this interview, Joseph Pearman, a Larue County native, discusses his family history, education, and employment prior to becoming County Judge Executive. He also comments on the Judicial Referendum, the county's current and future needs, local industry, the county school system, and park and recreation development around Lincoln's Birthplace.
Billy Shuffet, a Green County native, comments on his life experiences and short political career in this interview. Interview topics include the Judicial Referendum, county budgeting, the pros and cons of the County Judge Executive job duties, revenue sharing, CETA, housing projects, and the county's agricultural, mineral, oil and industry…
In this interview, James Guffey, a Ballard County native, discusses his education, reasons for "getting into" politics, and his corresponding public service experiences as Deputy Sheriff, County Judge and County Judge Executive. Interview topics include the Judicial Referendum, "major players" in Ballard County, unemployment and tax rates,…
Basil Griffith, a Henderson County native, details his education, military service and Warren County public service experiences in this interview. He comments extensively on the Judicial Referendum changes, various county services and functions, revenue sharing and county budgeting, his job duties and daily life, and his engagement with youth job…