Browse Interviews (12 total)

The following interview with Clifford Amyx discusses his experiences while growing up and living in the community of Livingston, KY. Amyx comments on his childhood, local entertainment, the railroad and its significance in the community, and, other topics that relate to social, religious, and political activities in the community. He also comments…

Joe Grimes Sr., a Lincoln County, KY native and retired farmer and insurance agent. Grimes discusses growing up in Stanford, KY and the major changes in the area.

This interview with Arthur Lloyd, is part one of seven recordings. Lloyd discusses growing up in Western Kentucky, his parents teaching careers, and the advantages his education provided in the interview.

Joe Grimes Sr., is a Lincoln County, KY native and a retired farmer and insurance agent. In this interview, Grimes, discusses growing up in Stanford, KY and what the area was like then and now.
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