Browse Interviews (10 total)

In this interview, Dr. R. R. Richards, a Russell County, Kentucky native, comments on various EKU presidents. He also discusses the conditions and salaries at EKU and his relationship with Eastern since his retirement . In addition, there is a discussion over EKU athletics programs. The interview is the third of three interviews with Dr. Richards.

Dr. Moore graduated from EKU and University of Kentucky. He served in many capacities, both political and academic, such as state representative, professor and Dean of Faculty at EKU. He was also Commissioner of Finance of KY, and a teacher and superintendent of various rural schools.

In this interview, Mrs. Carrie Potts Ault, widow of W.A. Ault the Superintendent of Maintenance at EKU from 1922-1957, recalls her years at EKU, the city of Richmond and what is was like to raise children on EKU's campus.

In this interview, Rome Rankin discusses his years as an EKU Faculty member and the development of EKU's athletic program. Rankin was hired by President Donovan to develop a winning football team. Rankin reflects on his coaching methods, recruitment procedures, and the role he played in raising funds for an athletics facilities expansion on campus.

Nellie Earle Ballou is the widow of Fred Ballou, EKU's former bookstore manager. She reflects on campus life, her employment with the university, and past EKU presidents. She also recalls her family life and retirement.

A. L. Whitt, a Crittenden County native, came to EKU in 1948 as a professor of Biology and remained such until his retirement in 1982. In this interview he recalls the early years he spent at EKU and the changes that took place during his thirty-four year tenure. This is the first of two interviews with Whitt.

Fred E. Darling was an EKU faculty member, track coach, supervisor of the athletic tower, assistant dean of men, and the intermural sports director. In this interview, Darling details his career and the reason why he voluntarily ended his coaching position to devote himself to teaching full time.

Dean and Grace Gatwood married in 1940 and came to EKU in 1947. Mrs. Gatwood worked as a secretary and an Administrator in Central University College, before becoming an art professor at EKU. In this interview, Mr. Gatwood comments on some designs he created and his involvement in developing the EKU water tower lettering. In general, the coupleā€¦

Clyde Lewis was a EKU faculty, a World War II veteran, and an EKU Alum. In this interview, Lewis recalls his early education and Great Depression memories. He also shares his memories of campus life and the instructors he had while attending EKU.

This is part four of a five part series with George W. Robinson. In this interview Robinson continues his discussion on teaching at EKU. He comments on both President Martin and President O'Donnell, and various EKU programs. He also discusses his teaching methods, the AAUP, student performance, and his personal life.
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