Teacher, Principal, and Superintendent of Schools in Allen County, Former Mayor, Hospital Administrator, and Executive Director of the Housing Authority
In this interview, Troy Spear, Superintendent of Cumberland Co. Schools, discusses his background and education, his positions held prior to becoming Superintendent, and the School Board and elections. He also discusses major issues that he has faced, co
W.C. Thompson discusses the role that railroads played in Ravenna KY through time. He shares his memories of growing up in a town with 17,600, a number that declined as the railroads were replaced by automobiles. Thompson also comments on political trends, such as good and bad Mayors and wet/dry local option votes.
Randall Donahue, a Nelson County native, comments on his political career in both state and local politics in this interview. Donahue served as a city councilman, Mayor, and state senator prior to becoming the Marion County Judge Executive. In the interview he discusses the Judicial Referendum, the county's need for local industry, the predominant…
In this interview, Danny Brewer, a Wolfe County native, discusses his education and family history, and his family's political involvement, which began with his father's County Judge seat, and continued once Brewer replaced his father. Other topics include his and his father's election campaigns and strategies, Brewer's National Guard Service, and…