Browse Interviews (22 total)

In this interview, Ava Siener, Editor of the Livingston Ledger, discusses her personal background, the history of the newspaper, the type of news that is printed, the Livingston County Schools, and the Kentucky Press Association.

The following interview with Clifford Amyx discusses his experiences while growing up and living in the community of Livingston, KY. Amyx comments on his childhood, local entertainment, the railroad and its significance in the community, and, other topics that relate to social, religious, and political activities in the community. He also comments…

In this interview, Ophelia Lowe, Editor of the Shopper's News, discusses how she "got into" the newspaper business, the history and growth of the paper, the Kentucky Press Association, and decision makers in the county.

School Bus Driver, Former Restaurant Operator, and Former Mayor
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