Cherise N. Haney discusses her time in the United States Air Force, her position as a MP, and what it's like to get deployed. In particular, Haney discusses being a MP for Detainee Operations, rocket attacks, being female in the military, and the gender discrimination she faced and how it impacted her place in authority. She also discusses the…
Chris Linder discusses his time in the United States Marines Corps., his deployments, and his return to civilian life. In particular, Linder comments on his deployment to Iraq during Desert Storm and a second deployment that was riddled with politcs and ever changing Rules of Engagement. He also details his involvement in humanitarian missions in…
Sargeant Christopher Petzke discusses his experiences in the United States Army. In particular, Petzke comments on his deployment to Iraq, his reasons for enlisting, and how he juggles the military and a family of nine.
Christopher Rechtin details his time in the United States Army and his return to civilian life. In particular, Rechtin comments on his choice to enlist, his time during basic training, and his feelings before deployment. He also shares his experiences during his deployment to Iraq, and comments on how the war changed him. He also discusses his easy…
Crystal Benbow discusses her time in the United States Army and her reintergration back into cilvilan life. In particular, Benbow comments on her reasons for enlisting, her experiences in basic training, and her deployment to Iraq. She also explains how the G.I. Bill helped her become a nurse, and she details how her military service has helped her…
In this video interview, James B. Vires discusses his time in the United States Marine Corps. In particular, Vires comments on basic training, his deployment to the Middle East, and encountering Sadaam Husein's torture chambers in Abu Ghraib Prison. He also explains his feelings of being lost after discharge, details the benefits of spending more…
Jason David details his time in the United States Air Force. In particular, David comments on his time in basic training, and the differences in service during the pre and post 9/11 eras. He also discusses the difficulties of staying in touch with family before technology innovations of the mid-2000s.
Jeffrey Lynes details is life from childhood to his military career. In particular, Lynes comments on his mentors, the role religion has played in his life, his decision to attend West Point, life at West Point, and the Army Aviation Branch. Lynes also details the ins and outs of having to stay calm under fire, what its like to be a helicopter…
Sargeant First Class Jerry Klontz details his career in the U.S. Army. In particular, he shares stories from his time during active duty, which included deployments to combat zones in Somalia, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Klontz also shares his personal feelings about service and the impacts it has on service men and women.
Joe Jenkins recounts his time in the United States Army. In particular, Jenkins recounts his time as a Staff Sergeant, basic training, his deployment to Iraq, his work with interpreters, and the hardships of combat. He also discussed his reentry into clivilian life, and his thoughts on people who are currently joining the military.
John E. Owens details his early life, his decision to enlist in the Army, and his choice to transfer to the National Gruard after 9/11. Owens shares interesting stories from basic training and his deployment to Iraq. Interview conversations also include comments on being an authority figure during conflict, the weight of holding the lives of men in…
Jon S. Hooper discusses his time in the United States Navy. In particular, Hooper comments on his time in the Perisan Gulf during Operation Southern Watch. Hooper shares stories about life on aircraft carriers, details his wartime experiences, and comments on his transition back into civilian life and the memories of his time in the service.
Joseph Meyers recounts his decision to enlist, his time in basic training, and his deployment to Iraq. He discusses his drill instructors and thier teaching methods, his job as an engineer, creating boobytraps, being deplpoyed to Iraq, and running convoy operations. He explains the pain of losing a fellow solider and the impact it had on him.…
Liam Wilson, and his wife Valentine, discuss their decisions to leave the modern world and its amenities, and escape what they view as the corruptions of society. They comment on the impacts that cars, banks and taxes have on society, as well as the "off the grid" movement.
Michael Navalta Jr. recounts his time in the United States Army. In particular, Navalta comments on his specialized education, infantry training, and pushing his limits. He also discusses his deployments, the dangers that came with them, SERE training, and the medals he was awarded.
Michael Williams details his time in the United States Navy. In particular, Williams discusses his upbringing, his decision to join the Navy, his transition into basic training, and his combat experiences. He also discusses reintergation into cilvilan life and shares his advice for people who are getting ready to retire from the service.
SFC Raney Wiseman details his career in the United States Army, and his varied assignments throughout his time in the service. In particular, Wiseman comments on his deployments to Iraq during Operation New Dawn, as well as his work with border control agents and other interdepartmental organzations like the State Police and ATF. He also discusses…
Richard Mosley served active duty in the United States Navy from 1989 to 2002, and, at the time of his interview, still serves in the Navy reserves. He describes his military experience through bootcamp, and how the military is designed to break individuals down so that they are forced to trust one another and grow as a group. His biggest take…
Robert Howard discusses his time in the National Guard, his choice to go to basic training before senior year of high school, and his deployment to Iraq. In particular, Howard comments on the politics of being in Iraq and his views on Isolationsim. He also discusses the return to civilian life, the local VFW, and the privatization of the VA. Howard…
Ryan Adkins discusses his combat experiences in the Army. In particular, he details his experiences in combat, how his views of combat changed over time, and the friendships he created. Adkins also comments on the accountability they depended on, the struggles of seeing danger in every situation, the difference in gender roles in combat, and being…
Shannon Memminger discusses his career in the United States Army. In particular, Memminger comments on his choice to enlist, and his experiences and observations within the confines of race, gender and culture. He also shares his thoughts on the military industral complex and how the military has become more like a business.
Timothy Gruber details his time in the United States Army. In particular, Gruber comments on his deployments to Iraq and Kuwait, being injured and awarded a Purple Heart, as well as coming home and dealing with PTSD. He also comments on being honorably discharged because on the complications he experienced with PTSD.
Timothy R. Tillett details his time in the Army National Guard. In particular, Tillett comments on his time in Iraq, his experiences as a transport driver, and the ways his views on the military and war changed over time.
Will Aubrey discusses his time in the Kentucky National Guard. In particular, Aubrey traces his journey to enlistment after a knee injury, his reasons for joining, his deployment experiences, the comforts of home he missed while deployed, and his feelings on being in country.