Browse Interviews (25 total)

Administrative Assistant to President Of Eastern Kentucky University

The daughter of Bert Combs talks about her remembrances of her father before he was governor as well as his years as governor of Kentucky.

Mr. Easterly was the press secretary for A.B. Chandler and discusses the 1955 campaign, Combs as an administrator and the politics of the time.

The treasurer of the Kentucky Democratic Campaign Committee talks about getting to know Bert T. Combs. He talks about the 1959 campaign and the politicians he was working for at the time.

Robert Matthews is a native Kentuckian born in 1923. He served as Assistant Attorney General of Kentucky from 1955-60 and as executive secretary to the Governor of Kentucky. From 1960-63 Mr. Matthews served as Commissioner of Finance and from 1963-67 he served as Attorney General of Kentucky. In 1967 he returned to his private lat practice.
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