Browse Interviews (186 total)

Frazier and wife discuss what it was like living during the Depression.

Retired teacher explains how the Depression impacted her in the past and present.

Turner discusses living on a farm and daily life during the Depression.

Smallwood and wife discuss life during the Depression and how they were impacted.

Montgomery recalls feelings about President Roosevelt, government programs, and speaks of becoming self-sufficient by growing own food.

Housewife speaks of living in a Coal Camp where her husband worked during the Depression.

Sisters discuss the Depression years and commend President Roosevelt, claiming that he was an "idol".

Retired Merchant discusses what it was like living during the Depression years.

Porter discusses feelings about Roosevelt, also discusses entertainment at church and in the home.

Gray tells of what life was like living during the Depression days.

Mrs. Holt discusses the culture before and after the Great Depression. She shares her opinion of presidents, media, and the economy.

Retired teacher states that the Depression did not impact her much because she lived on a farm.

Williams discusses what life was like during the Depression years.

Sims discusses the Depression and the impact it had on her family.

Retired Housewife discusses the Depression and the impact it had on her life.

Estes tells of what she and her family had to do in order to make it during the Depression.

Miller discusses family being forced to leave home and the struggle to recover.

Fowler recalls vivid memories of experiences during the Great Depression.

Crow recalls fondest memories of experiences during the Depression.

Porter discusses memories of the Depression and commends President Roosevelt on his work to rebuild the nation.

Mosley speaks of living on the farm during the Depression.

Retired farmer discusses the Depression and how it impacted his life.

Retired Postmistress speaks of living through the Depression and how it impacted her life.

Smith, who refused to be interviewed, tells of her life during the Depression in story form.

Assistant Professor of Special Education at EKU discusses entertainment and events during the Great Depresssion.

Robinson tells of having little money but ample food and fruit during the Depression.

York discusses the Depression and how it impacted her life.
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