Browse Interviews (4 total)

Mike Embry was born in Louisville, but lived throughout Kentucky during his high school years. He attended Morehead State University, the University of Louisville, and was in the Air Force before he came to EKU in 1973. In this interview Mr. Embry discusses his time as a journalism student at EKU. He recalls professors and fellow students and his…

Clyde Lewis was a EKU faculty, a World War II veteran, and an EKU Alum. In this interview, Lewis recalls his early education and Great Depression memories. He also shares his memories of campus life and the instructors he had while attending EKU.

Henry Martin served as Dean of Students at Eastern Kentucky University under President Martin. In this interview, Martin reflects on his education at Berea College, his military service in the Navy, and his role as the EKU dormitory director.

This is an unrehearsed taped interview with Lucille Strother Hogge, age 84, a graduate of Eastern State Normal School in 1922. Mrs. Hogge discusses organizing and being first editor of the Eastern Progress in 1922. Mrs. Hogge reminiscenses about her college days and also discusses how the Eastern Progress got its name.
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