Browse Interviews (18 total)

This interview with Arthur Lloyd is part seven of seven recordings. In this interview Lloyd continues with his military career. He also comments on assisting Earl Clements' campaign race. He recalls his experiences as the Commissioner of Welfare and his instrumental role in forming the Legislative Research Commission. Upon leaving the LRC in 1955…

Senator's Staff Member, Rosemary Kilduff talks about Beattyville and politics on the local, state and national level.

Former Kentucky governor, A.B. Chandler, describes Kentucky politics during the formative years of Perkins' political career.

Albert Chandler is a native Kentuckian born in 1898. He received his A.B. at Transylvania and his L.L.B. at the University of Kentucky. Mr. Chandler served as a Kentucky state senator in 1930 and as Lt. Governor from 1931-35. He served as Governor of Kentucky from 1935-39 and 1955-59. Mr. Chandler served as U.S. senator from 1939-45 and…

The treasurer of the Kentucky Democratic Campaign Committee talks about getting to know Bert T. Combs. He talks about the 1959 campaign and the politicians he was working for at the time.

Mr. Easterly was the press secretary for A.B. Chandler and discusses the 1955 campaign, Combs as an administrator and the politics of the time.

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