Browse Interviews (6 total)

Betty Smith discusses growing up and living in Clark County for most of her life. Interview topics include discussions about entertainment opportunities and games when she was growing up, Main Street businesses, restaurants, and socializing in Winchester, as well as many comments on Clark County industry and economic trends.

Carolyn Floyd discusses her farming experiences, as well as her years of living and raising her children on the Kentucky River, Madison County, Kentucky. She also recalls many stories about Cassius Clay, her step-great grandfather, and Brutus Clay. In general, Floyd's interview covers a variety of topics from farming and national politics, to the…

Mossies Osborne discusses her life experiences while living in Clark County for most of her life. Interview topics include discussions over her family's farm and family economy, and her experiences as a wife, mother and widow. She concludes that lifestyles were healthier, safer, and, in general, better.

Paul Christy discusses the state of education in his district and the state as a whole. Topics include budgets, relationships with teachers and educational organizations, pensions, and the current political climate. An overall view of the district is also given, including number and condition of school buildings, educational programs, curriculum…

Shirley Richardson discusses growing up on a farm in Clark County and her eventual 30 year career with the Road Department. Richardson comments extensively on the farm life of her youth and the changing economic and social conditions across Clark County, including changes in the number of churches and shopping areas in Winchester. She also shares…

In this interview, William Blakeman, Editor of the Winchester Sun, discusses the history of the newspaper along with issues within Clark County.
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