Browse Interviews (3 total)

Chris Linder discusses his time in the United States Marines Corps., his deployments, and his return to civilian life. In particular, Linder comments on his deployment to Iraq during Desert Storm and a second deployment that was riddled with politcs and ever changing Rules of Engagement. He also details his involvement in humanitarian missions in…

Jim Distler discusses his enlistment in the United States Marine Corps. In particular, Distler details his experiences during basic training, his reasons for enlisting, his occupation as a radio operator, and his life after the service. He also gives his opinions on the military and civilian life after enlistment.

Brandon Self recounts his time in the Marine Corps. In particular, Self details his reasons for enlisting in the Marines, his service in Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom, the brotherhood that is attached to serving, and he shares his reflections on his time in the service.
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