In this interview, Jesse Lay, former Superintendent of Knox County Schools, discusses his education, teaching in Harlan County and the problems with coal strikes, and recollects on his many years as a teacher and administrator in Knox, Laurel, and Harlan.
Mr. Cornelius Grafton is a bond counselor and lawyer in Louisville, Kentucky. He worked extensively for Dr. Martin to assume the presidency. Mr. Grafton helped Dr. Martin during the building boom at Eastern during the 1960's
Mr. Wendell Butler is a native Kentuckian born in 1912. He received his B.A. at Western Kentucky State College and his M.A. at the University of Kentucky. He served in the Kentucky State Senate from 1947-51. from 1952-55, 1960-63, and in 1968 he has served as State Superintendent of Public Instruction. From 1964-67 Mr. Butler served as Commissioner…
Mr. Frank Dickey is a native Kentuckian born in 1917. He received his A.B. from Transylvania, his M.A. from the University of Kentucky, and his Ed.D from Harvard. He began work at the University of Kentucky in 1946, and from 1956-1962 he served as Professor and Dean of Education.
Robert Matthews is a native Kentuckian born in 1923. He served as Assistant Attorney General of Kentucky from 1955-60 and as executive secretary to the Governor of Kentucky. From 1960-63 Mr. Matthews served as Commissioner of Finance and from 1963-67 he served as Attorney General of Kentucky. In 1967 he returned to his private lat practice.