Browse Interviews (7 total)

Dr. Diane Hatchett discusses the state of education in her district and the state as a whole. Topics include budgets, relationships with teachers and educational organizations, pensions, and the current political climate. An overall view of the district is also given, including number and condition of school buildings, educational programs,…

Librarian and Registered Nurse

Frances Moore discusses her upbringing in Madison County, and her experiences while living in Berea. Interview topics include discussions over her home life, family history, and education, Berea churches and church life, and the distinct East versus West divide in Berea. Moore also comments extensively on her education, and the decision makers,…

Ellen Bleecher discusses growing up in a household and family that held education in high regard. Bleecher comments extensively on her family life and education, Berea churches, her father's career in education, and Berea College's influence on the community, both in the past and present. Bleecher provides good insight into Berea's power structure…

Martha Neely discusses growing up as the daughter of a sawmill owner in Madison County. Neely comments on her education, common discipline practices, community activities that have changed through time, her marriage and the years she has spent as a widow. Additional interview topics include discussions over the Berea Community, its churches, and…

Mary Elizabeth Clay discusses growing up and living in Berea as an African American in the early 20th Century. Clay comments extensively on her home life, education and career as a maid, and Berea College's overall influence on the area. She also details the current needs of senior citizens.

Guy Bowling discusses growing up and working in both Berea, Kentucky and the orange groves of Florida. Bowling provides a detailed comparison of his life in Kentucky versus his experiences in Florida; in particular he comments on railroads and union factory jobs in Berea and the differences in race relations between Kentucky and Florida. The…
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