Ovie Hollon shares his memories as a young boy while working for his Father, who was a farrier. Both Ovie and his Father knew Sam Tuttle well. Hollon recalls stories of their times at Spout Springs. Hollon shares in this interview that Mr. Tuttle did indeed reference his horses as "Rocky Mountains", and he also conveys the legend that the…
In this interview, Cindy Clevenger shares her passion for the history of Mountain Horses. As the third in a series, Clevenger reflects on the experiences that have made her an advocate of Mountain Horses. Near the end of the interview she shares the first verse of a song she wrote about the horses, titled "The Horse that Built Kentucky".
John Denton is a native of Cumberland County, TN. He attended University of Tennessee at 16 years old. In this interview Denton describes his college career and the ROTC experience. He joined the Army after obtaining his master's degree and served in the Vietnam war.
The following interview with Clifford Amyx discusses his experiences while growing up and living in the community of Livingston, KY. Amyx comments on his childhood, local entertainment, the railroad and its significance in the community, and, other topics that relate to social, religious, and political activities in the community. He also comments…