Browse Interviews (5 total)

In this interview with President Martin and Dr. Rowlett they describes the start of EKU's Law Enforcement Program. They felt it would fit in well with the School of Technology and EKU began creating associate and baccalaureate programs. Those who helped EKU establish the programs were Chief Hale, Chief of Lexington Police Department; Bob Posey,…

Robert R. Martin and John D. Rowlette talk about the implementation of the nursing program at Eastern Kentucky University.

Dr. Thomas Myers is a native of Ohio. He helped develop the Allied Health Program at Eastern and he is now serving as Vice President of Student Affairs. Dr. Myers worked under Dr. Robert Martin for 14 years.

Congressman Tim Carter is a physician and helped establish the nursing program at Eastern. He currently is a United States Representative from the Fifth Congressional District in Kentucky.

Dr. John Rowlett is a native of Texas and currently serves as Vice-President of Academic Affairs and Research at Eastern. He came to Eastern during the 1950's. During Dr. Martin's tenure as President he worked very closely with Dr. Martin in the development of various new programs- especially the nursing and law enforcement program. Dr. Rowlett is…
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