Browse Interviews (5 total)

In this interview, Vernon Tart, discusses his interest in railroads and railroading. He describes the different railroad cars and railroad systems.

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Raymond Alford is a retired station master of the former Union Station in Lexington, KY. In this interview, Alford, describes Union Station; the number of trains in and out of the station, the fares, and it being torn down.

Dennis Quillen is a Geography professor at Eastern KY University. In this interview, Quillen, discusses his interest in railroads and railroading. He describes the different railroad systems and different railroad accidents.

Charles Hacker is a retired signal foreman for the L & N Railroad. In this interview, Hacker, discusses his duties as signal foreman, the old signals, and the L & N strike in 1955.

Arthur Bryson, Jr., is a retired lawyer from Boyd County, KY. In this interview, Bryson, discusses his interest in railroads and railroading since his childhood. He describes the different types of railroad systems and the different railroad cars.
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