Browse Interviews (3291 total)

Mohammad Aminilari is a native of Iran who attended EKU. In this interview, Aminilari discusses Iranian culture and his experiences at EKU.

Saniee-Memar Bahram is a native of Iran who attended EKU for 6 years. In this interview, he reflects on Iranian culture and religion. Bahram discusses social and political issues in Iran and gives his individual opinion on on these issues.

Mohammad Aminilari is a native of Iran who attended EKU from 1973-1978. In this interview, Aminilari discusses his time at EKU, life in Iran, and his experiences as a student in the US.

Mr. Charles Hamilton was a longtime salesman for the Louisville Varnish Company. In this interview he discusses his work, relationship to Patrick H. Callahan, and notable events throughout his career.

The following "Central Kentucky Veterans Service Organizations" panel discussion covers a broad range of topics, from personal stories and existent support networks in the veteran community to areas in need of change, reintergration stories and trends, and jobs and life after returning home from service. Discussions also cover the lasting effects…

Partick Sinclair served in the United States Marine Corps for eight years from 2000 to 2008 as a non-commissioned officer. Sinclair also served as a patient advocate before settling into his current position as a voluntary service officer at the U.S Department of Veteran Affairs. In his interview he comments on individual and personal growth, the…

Mike Boyd was born in Morehead, Kentucky where his parents worked as taxi drivers. He served in the United States Airforce with his brother. He served during a time when the draft was active and he really had no other choice. Throughout his interview he discusses many topics, such as his reasons for joining the Air force, union issues, volunteer…

David Ervin is a West Virginia University graduate and served in the United States Army from 2004 to 2005. He served one tour in Afghanistan during Operation Iraqi Freedom. In his interview he discusses a multitude of topics that include, but are not limited to, the V.A, the G.I Bill, death and loss in the military, navigating the return home,…

Jeremy Harrell served in the United States Army, from 1999 to 2008, where he was a training non-commissioned officer. Between the years 2003 to 2004 Harrell served in Iraq. In this interview he comments on a wide range of topics including, but not limited to, his childhood, his reasons for joining the military, religion, team mentality, mental…

Phyliss Abbott is a lifelong supporter of the Veteran community who runs one of the few women only veterans support organizations. In her interview Abbott discusses the path she took to get to where she is today and the support she offers women veterans. Interview topics also include discussions over the issues that women veterans face when…

Bakery Owner, formerly of Mexico City, D.F., Mexico.

Landscaper, formerly of Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico).

Carpenter, formerly of San Juan del Rio, Querétaro (Mexico).

Clothing Boutique Owner, formerly of Mexico City, F.D., Mexico.

Computer Repair Shop Owner, formerly of Morelos (State), Mexico.

Appliance Store Owner, formerly of Mexico City, F.D., Mexico.

Grocery Store Manager, formerly of Tampico, Tamaulipas (Mexico).

Auto Body Repairman, formerly of Mexico City, D.F., Mexico.

Hairstylist, formerly of Colima, Mexico.

Tax Preparation Business Owner, formerly of Acapulco, Guerrero (Mexico).

Sewing Business Owner, formerly of Mexico City, D.F., Mexico.

Restaurant Food Preparer, formerly of Juando, Mexico.

Cosmetologist, formerly of San Luis Potosi, Mexico.

Clothing Boutique Owner, formerly of Mexico City, D.F., Mexico.

Clothing Store Owner, formerly of Mexico City, F.D., Mexico.

Jewelry Store Owner, formerly of Acapulco, Guerrero (Mexico).

Esthetician, formerly of Mexico City, F.D., Mexico.

Cashier, formerly of Guerrero, Mexico.

Secretary, formerly of Monterrey, Nuevo León (Mexico).

Female Restaurant Worker, formerly of Zacatecas, Mexico.

Steven M. Schmisek discusses his personal background, his introduction to Military Service, the September 11th attack and his reactions, his basic training experiences and deployments, and his eventual reintegration back into civilian life and use of Veterans Affairs services. In particular, Schmisek discuses his Iraq Deployment and his work in…

Lyle Cram discusses his military service and what motivated him to enlist. He discussed his time spent in the 82nd Airborne Division and his transition to Aviation as a helicopter pilot. His deployment to Panama for Operation Just Cause was also discussed at length.

Sergeant Timothy Locker details his early 1990s service record. Locker shares details on how his family reacted to his joining the military and his adjustment to military life. We spoke on what he did during his service and his time spent overseas during the Gulf War as apart of the Desert Shield operation. He also comments on his homecoming…

Bill Wilding was drafted to serve during the Vietnam War. He initially went to college to try to avoid the draft but got drafted anyways. He served 22 months from about the first of October in 1977 and got out around August of 1979. In particular, Wilding covers his experiences during basic training and while serving in Vietnam.

Scott Raymond served in the U.S. Navy from 1980 to 1985. In his interview he discusses how his childhood memories and mentors influenced his decision to enlist. He then discusses how the skills and life lessons he learned in the military played a large role in his lifestyle as a civilian. Some of his favorite memories in the service were by far…

Colonel Don Amburn (Ret.) served in the U.S. Army from 1981-2001. In his interview he discusses his upbringing, his family's history in the military and his eventual transition from active duty to the Reserves. He also comments on how 9/11 impacted his military service, details his multiple deployments, and shares his thoughts on what it's like…

Jacob Mardis served in the U.S. Army from 2012 to 2015. In his interview he discusses his childhood, boot camp experiences, and time in service- including his transition back home and his struggles with that process. Mardis served for a total of just over 3 years active duty, with a one year tour overseas in South Korea (K16). When he returned…

Steve Marionneaux details his time in service and various topics, from Fatherhood to American politics, cultural perceptions of Veterans and the desensitization of youth.

Army Veteran Jake Bruce served active duty as an infantryman from 2009-2013 and as an intelligence analyst in the Army Reserves from 2013 to the time of his interview. In his time during active-duty Bruce was station in Vilseck, Germany and deployed to Afghanistan in 2010-2011 in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. During the interview we talked…

SSG Arron Lukefahr discusses the timeline of his early life and career in the military. Lukefahr covers the differences between his time in both the Marines and National Guard.

Kevin Polter details his basic training experiences in the Coast Guard and where he was stationed at afterwards and his subsequent discharge and current career outside of the Coast Guard. Polter describes the various stations he was at in the Great Lakes region in Ohio and Michigan as well as the various boats, equipment and weapons trainings. He…

Navy Veteran Ronald Schultz discusses his time at basic training, details his family members that have served, and his relationships with people before, during, and after he served. He also discusses jobs that he held in the Navy and what bases and ships he was stationed on.

Nathan Lovewell discusses basic training and his deployment to Iraq in 2010, where he was hit by a mortar and suffered injuries from the attack. Lovewell also comments on VA benefits and healthcare and his opinions on the system.

Tim Russell discusses his personal reasons for enlisting, the impacts his service had on his family life, and he shares the lessons he learned in the military. Russell also comments on his readjustment back into civilian life.

Robert L. Parks discusses his path to the service, basic and MOS training, military life, and his eventual reintegration back into civilian life.

Hugh Lunsford discusses being drafted and his time spent while he serving in the United States Marines Corps. during the Vietnam War. Lunsford shares that it was not enjoyable and if he was given the choice he would have never gone. He did not enlist like so many do now; he was drafted and had no other option.

Mr. Delaware informs us that he was in the Kentucky Army National Guard. He enlisted at the age of 17 with parental consent. He completed Basic Training at Ft. Knox, Kentucky and his AIT at Ft. Benning Georgia. He reached the level of Sergeant during his time in duty. He had several MOSs while he was in the military. He received a Warriors Medal…

Joe Principata talks about his military experiences and shares details on the things he missed from his civilian life, including basic civilian activities such as driving around town and seeing the familiar faces or simply spending time with family. The food they had to eat in basic training was just food to add calories before the next meal, they…
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